
Next Events:

  • Balticon 59 (mail-in) - May 23-26, 2025 (accepted, details to come)
  • More 2025 shows to come, return here for updates.

Spotlight Works:


giveaway calendarA GIFT FOR YOU | Now Available! Get my 2025 calendar today. Join My List and download this year-at-a-glance calendar as soon as you sign up. Membership includes special store discounts, freebies, e-newsletters with updates and offers, a new calendar every year, and more!


Shadow Dance promo imageNOW AVAILABLE: HORROR SHORT STORY | Shadow Dance - A Dark Telling — Billions of creatures share our world with us. Why don’t we see more evidence of their passing than the occasional road kill? In this horror short, a psychiatrist learns that insanity... isn't, and ignorance is better than knowing too much about what moves in the shadows.

Great or small, wise or strong, noteworthy or insignificant, everything that lives eventually dies. And if you’re lucky, you’ll never meet the ones that deal with the aftermath.

Choose from Paperback or Kindle versions. Order a Personalized Copy!

Tale of Winter cover imageFANTASY SHORT STORY | A Tale of Winter — Human children have drifted to sleep to the tales of fairies for as long as stories have been told. The children of magical beings are no different. This illustrated tale is the favorite of one particularly special fairy child.

NEW! Order a personalized signed copy here.

I also have two books in The Low Sodium Lifestyle series (learn more on the Facebook page).

See all my books on Amazon.

Pegasus hand-drawn bag imageART SHOWCASE | Pegasus is one of several hand drawn one-of-a-kind canvas bags in my store with more to come. See the current selection under Hand-Drawn Bags, Covers.

Interested in having a custom bag or tablet cover drawn? Contact me to work out the details.



ALSO AVAILABLE! Shop for bookmarks, limited and open prints, books, and more in my Store!

PLAYSCALE NEWS | Latest Items in eBay Store: Shop now for playsale miniatures for your nursery diorama. New DIY Project Posted: Learn how to make a mini frig for your bar diorama. Now Posting on Instagram: See more diorama pics and tips.

Get details on these and more at Playscale Emporium.

Now Available - Playscale Emporium Diorama DownloadsDiorama Downloads: Printable accessories and embellishments to make your dollhouse or diorama pop, Click image to learn more and start shopping. Valentine's Day Cards and Candy Set available! More new sets coming soon!

Where in the World is...? | I've applied for ten 2025 shows and have been accepted for two (see above). I'm lining up more shows that aren't accepting applications yet. Keep checking my Events calendar and watching my Facebook page for future updates. Keep staying safe and healthy!

More Stuff:

Visit and like my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/FantasyArtByElaineCOldham) — I'll be posting news and updates there too.

Thanks for visiting, come again soon! And don't forget: join my list to get your gift.

~ Elaine C. Oldham

March Thought of the Month

"Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable."

~ Buckaroo Banzai

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